What is TTN?
TTN is an online streaming video platform that plays a variety of videos from external providers.
How does it work?
Our custom video player synchronizes the playback of videos from external platforms (e.g. YouTube) across all viewers, creating a shared viewing experience.
Is it free?
Absolutely! TTN is 100% free and not-for-profit.
Are there any ads?
TTN itself does not serve any advertisements, however some of the third-party video platforms we embed may choose to serve their own ads, for which we have no control over.
TTN has a small number of rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all users.
1. You must be at least 18 years of age.
2. Do not spam.
3. Do not post unnecessary NSFW content.
4. Do not share links to pirated content.
5. Do not troll, harass, or instigate arguments with other users.
If you have a problem with another user, please report it to a moderator.
6. Don't be a dick.
This is our catch-all rule. We want TTN to be one of the friendliest places on the internet — if you're trying to disrupt that goal, we do not have a problem removing you from the site.